Reviews & Comments

Denise Roggio

Reviews are important to any artist and performer. We want to know what you think, how we can inspire you, what we can improve, and even where you think we should be performing! If you have heard my Gospel Blues Album, “Light My Path”, released August 2012, or if you have attended a performance, let us and others know about it. You are greatly appreciated and thank you for your encouragement and spreading the word.

Here are a few letters of reference.

28 Responses to Reviews & Comments

  1. Barb Schlegel says:

    We really enjoyed the evening at the Family Diner for the Fourth of July!! Your music and lovely presence made the evening so perfect! We love having you and Lou here and we are very lucky that you are a part of our community. Hugs to you both! <3

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Thank you, Barb! Here’s a direct link to some pics for you. We had a great time! Part of the fun for me is seeing all of you dance with smiling faces. We love it here in Yarnell – mostly because of the people, and friends like you.

  2. chuck tidey says:

    Denise (& Lou) What a great 4th of July last Friday night. This community is so great and part of it is because the two of you are a part of it. Love You Both, Chuck

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Thanks so much, Chuck! We had an awesome time too, and you and Leah are so FUN (festive garb, hats, glasses, dancing!!!) A community can never be great without GREAT leadership. Thanks for all you do!

  3. Pete Romero says:

    Good morning Denise and Lou: What a pleasure, once again, to enjoy the efforts of both of your talents, during the Gospel concert last Sunday afternoon. Since first hearing your music at the Family Diner, then many other occasions, and of course at the Del Webb “Yarnell Rising” event, it has become something that both my wife (Tahja) and I look forward to whenever possible. Although we’re very new to Yarnell, it has become obvious that many of the Yarnell residents have similar sentiments about your music. Please don’t lose the sentiment that inescapably comes through your music, and grabs us so much. Thanks so much, both of you, for your gifts to Yarnell and our residents, of your music and spirit.

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Pete, thanks for commenting on the site. You and your lovely wife have become a pleasant addition to Yarnell! This place just grabs you, doesn’t it? Your help here has been wonderful, and your encouragement to all of us is deeply appreciated. I am so grateful to know that my music touches people. It’s so important to me because I never wrote songs (lyrics + music) before the fire. So, it’s proof for me that there was a purpose for Lou & me to move to this exact spot, and a purpose for my music to serve the community. Knowing that makes it so much more valuable than any amount of money I could amass from selling it!

      See you soon, thank you again!

  4. Bill Chaplin says:

    You are a light in Yarnell………..a healing light! With love to you two………..

  5. Kathleen Stowe says:

    Denise, you were awesome in the Oct 30th performance at the Del Web Theatre for the Performing Arts! It was an absolute honor that you asked me to harmonize with you on ‘Blazing Honor’ for the Yarnell Rising show “Voices from the Ashes!’ You have amazing talents and stage presence, plus you’re beautiful inside and out. Thanks for your friendship and allowing Yarnell to rock out on Friday nights at the Yarnell Diner.

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Thanks, Kathleen! I have to say this “publicly”: Your smile lights up the room. When we’re at the diner, just seeing you dance, smile and sing makes everybody get happier. It’s not just Lou and I that notice it – as I’m sure you’re aware. LOL (“Rescue Me”). A Little levity there (okay, VERY little).

      But thank you for that deep joy that you naturally spread around in a sincere way. The Del Web event was amazing. EVERYONE involved did a superior job and I was honored to be a part of it. Now on to January 30th in Prescott! Here’s to the future funds we’ll raise, and the amazing time we’ll have doing it.

  6. Dolores Eckes says:

    Denise you are a great singer, musician and songwriter and I know you will have a successful future ahead of you.
    Walt and I enjoyed being with you and Lou at our home and talking about some of Walt’s life experiences. It is a pleasure knowing you and Lou.
    Dolores Eckes

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Thanks so much, Dolores! That was a high compliment, coming from the wife of a musician and promoter….which naturally means you have heard some of the best musicians and bands that have ever existed! We so enjoyed out visit with you – and your home & property is absolutely serene. So glad for you that the fire did no damage! We’ll have a fantastic time in Phoenix on the 2nd. Thanks again for your encouraging words.

    • Patsy says:

      It’s a relief to find somenoe who can explain things so well

  7. Tony says:

    Ash ’n Blues
    What wonderful music, moving words and sentiments, especially the last track. “Blazing Honour”. (Sorry, that’s the British spelling!)

    I’m a Christian living in Sussex, England. Our dear friends Chuck and Leah live in Yarnell and sent me Denise Roggio’s amazing CD. I’ve just listened to it in awe.

    I thank God for talent such as Denise’s and want the people of Yarnell to know many prayers were lifted to you from England during your crisis.
    Good wishes to all in Yarnell, Peeples Valley and Glen Ilah as you rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

    You are loved.

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Hi, Tony! Your comment has so warmed my heart! Firstly, I can safely speak for all of Yarnell when I say “Thank You” for the prayers. Many of us have felt the presence of God in the face of the wildfire that ravaged the area. Knowing we have friends in England (and in many other places abroad) praying for us is so encouraging! You are so blessed to have Chuck and Leah as friends. My husband, Lou, and I have come to love them dearly, and we have formed a friendship with them, which I can tell will last our entire lifetimes. They are sincere and genuine people. I’m thrilled to know you like the CD so much! My life has been music, my entire adult career has involved music – sometimes teaching, sometimes as a church musician and organist, and other times just performing. Song writing is a new venture for me, and I may have found a special niche there!

      Thanks for sharing your loving sentiment with us, and I will be sure to let people know of our friends in Sussex, England! May God always bless you, and please spread the word with your friends about my website. The more visits and comments we receive the better. Hopefully, we can meet soon.

      Denise Roggio

  8. Jerry Florman says:

    Denise, it has been wonderful to get to know you and Lou in the diner and the various gatherings we are sharing. Your contribution to the healing of my heart and all the hearts of Yarnell is significant. Thank you for being willing to share your raw emotions and talents. Love, Jerry

    • Denise Roggio says:

      You’re very eloquent! Sharing my “raw emotions”….that’s always how I feel when I sing “Blazing Honor”. I’ll be honest, I hate singing that song, as much as I LOVE singing that song. I think you know what I mean. Talk about a bittersweet raw emotion! Hope to see you on a Friday night very soon!

      • Jerry Florman says:

        Hey Denise, thanks for all you are doing. The concert last Wed. was fabulous! You did an outstanding job! My family and friends really loved it! Then Friday evening made me so happy. It is wonderful dancing and letting our hair down to your tunes! You know how much we love you! Thanks!

        • Denise Roggio says:

          Jerry, you’re so encouraging, and I really appreciate it. It was a fabulous concert. I teared up during the drumming, just because it was so very reliving the fire. Friday night was the BEST ever! You really looked like you were enjoying yourself, and I’m so glad. Thanks for commenting, and I’ll see you soon.
          Love to you!

  9. Leah Tidey says:

    I met Denise and Lou the very first night she performed at the Yarnell Family Diner and we became instant friends. Over the months our friendship has deepened and my respect for her multiplied. Not only is she an incredible entertainer with a voice that will give you shivers of pleasure, she is a true friend with a good heart full of love and joy which is expressed in her songs. “Light My Path,” her Gospel Blues Album is played frequently in my home as is “Blazing Honor” and soon to be released (I hope) “Yarnell Rising.” Anyone reading this post needs to hear her sing and absorb the energy she gives to all. She has taken our tragic stricken community to her heart and given us so much throughout the recovery after the Yarnell Hill Fire and the loss of 19 firefighters and more than 100 homes in Yarnell & Glen Ilah.

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Leah, this comment really made me tear up….You’re so very kind to say those things about me! The reason I teared up was because I know you’re not a BS artist. I know you say what’s on your heart, you say what you mean, and you speak truthfully. Lou and I are really thrilled to have formed a friendship with you and Chuck! We feel blessed to have met you, and are convinced that the friendship will deepen for years to come. Thanks also for mentioning “Light My Path”. That one, being my first album, will always be a special one. It taught Lou and I so incredibly much about both recording and the music industry as a whole. Glad to know you play it often! Now that “Ash’n Blues” is out, I hope you’ll enjoy both CD’s frequently. Also, thanks for all the help you’ve already given to us by selling the CD’s. You have no idea (or maybe you do) how immensely helpful it is when OTHER people are advertising on your behalf. Selling you’re own creation is difficult. Other people’s influence is always better. Thanks for the tears, and for the laughs, and here’s to many more!

  10. Kathy and Jim Voska says:

    We very much enjoyed meeting both of you last night at the Yarnell Diner. Your music was wonderful, and the two of you are delightful! Thank you so much for the copy of “Blazing Honor,” as I feel blessed to be able to share my copy and your website with friends and family. Your dedication to friends and community is “above and beyond.” We look forward to seeing you soon again.

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Hi, Kathy & Jim! We were excited to meet you as well….Your comment is very touching to Lou & me. We enjoy making new friends, and you are so kindhearted. We are glad you will share the song and website with your friends and family! It has been a wonderful fundraiser for our community rebuilding efforts because people who visit the site can donate directly to organizations that have no administrative fees. We certainly hope we meet you again! God Bless and thank you so very much.

  11. Esther Niner says:

    Your song “Blazing Honor” is a perfect tribute to the Hotshots! I don’t live in Yarnell or know anyone who does, but my heart has been broken for all of you. Prayers will continue for your community as you move forward.

    • Denise Roggio says:

      Hi, Esther! You have a Biblical name, the same as my mother’s! (I like it). Thank you for your comment and your prayers. I am touched that you thought my song was the perfect tribute to these men, because that’s exactly what we wanted to accomplish, a true tribute. We are so grateful for all the firefighters who risk everything to save everyone else. Well, now you DO know someone who lives in Yarnell! Thanks again, and God Bless

  12. Dean R.M. says:

    Denise’s performances have been great – Jazz, Rock, Country – very appreciated.
    Dean R.M., Yarnell, AZ

  13. Denny & Linda says:

    [Denise’s show was] GREAT!!!
    Denny K. & Linda F., Peeples Valley, AZ

  14. Skip W. says:

    I’ve enjoyed Denise’s music at the American Legion Post 79 – what a voice!
    Skip W., Peeple’s Valley, AZ ~Bar Manager, American Legion Post 79

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