FAMILY: Married, Mother of 2, adult children, and grandmother of two girls! Don’t get me started on my husband and kids, because I can take up way too much space bragging about them. My son, Kevin is the best RN on the planet. He’s a wonderful young man, married to an amazing woman, Jessica. My daughter, Kamille, is a beauty who resides in New Jersey, and is the awesome Code Enforcement/Public Officer for a municipality.

Lou & I – Sea of Galilee
Both of my children are very musically gifted – Kevin is a technically skilled drummer and pianist, whereas Kamille is a creative song writer/guitarist/pianist. I am so so grateful for my husband, Lou. Other than these immediate family members, I am the oldest of 3 children, I have a brother and sister, a nephew and two nieces that I adore, and two wonderful parents who still have a ton of spunk…I also have a large “step” family!
BIRTH DATE/AGE: December 14th, and I am proud to say I am 50, and in better shape and health than I was at 30.
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: I am NOT religious, but I AM a born-again Christian. I am interested in a personal relationship with my Creator and my Savior Jesus Christ, not a ritualistic method for living.

Kamille & I
OTHER EMPLOYMENT: I am the Grants Specialist for Yarnell Fire District, and the Owner of LDR ProSolutions, LLC, a Grant Consulting Agency.
MUSICIANS YOU ARE INSPIRED BY: Sergei Rachmaninoff is my inspiration for Classical Music. Billy Joel is an all time favorite for me, an extremely talented pianist/singer/songwriter. It’s a close one between Billy and Ray Charles. Vocally, I love Ella Fitzgerald and Norah Jones.
HOBBIES APART FROM MUSIC: Handcrafting is a major hobby. I am a wood burning artist, and my husband is a Jewelry Fabricator/Copper and Silver. My other hobbies include Cooking (making my own Gluten-free recipes), hiking with my husband, camping and taking long, scenic rides. Love to go flea marketing too!

Kevin& His Cousin Avery
TV SHOWS: While I’m mostly a movie girl, I was ADDICTED to 24. I used to love ER and Cheers. My favorite movie of all time is the Godfather. I love scary movies, too. My son, daughter and I always watched them.
FAVORITE MODERN CONVENIENCE: Internet and Cell phones (love texting, tweeting, Facebook, Instagram, and writing articles for the web).
HARDEST LIFE LESSON: All of them have been the hardest, but if I had to narrow it down, I would have to say that learning the Golden Rule took 40+ years, and had I learned it a lot sooner, I would have saved myself and many others a lot of grief. “And as you would that men should do to you, you do likewise to them….”, Luke 6:27-38

Brian Emma & Avery
HAPPIEST MEMORY: I have so many favorite memories it would be really hard to pick one. So, seeing the tiny perfect faces of my 2 babies for the first time, and marrying my sweetheart, a true gift from God, Lou, in November 2011 would be among the top memories.
SADDEST MEMORY: I would have to say the death of my second husband, Pastor Ron Dixon, Millville, New Jersey. He passed from leukemia on Memorial Day 2011

Zach & Emma
FAVORITE ACCOMPLISHMENT: Teaching piano and voice lessons. I was blessed to teach over 150 students in 23 years, and I loved them all so much. Since moving to Arizona last year, I have found that my relationships with them have continued! I get messaged, Facebook’d, tweeted at by students all the time. I’m so proud of them and what they’ve accomplished. Some of them are now teachers.
WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE ABOUT YOU: My OCD about everything having to be JUST SO, all the time…it’s stressful on everybody! I also wanted to change my health – get fit, eat right – and I am doing that. There’s tons more, for instance, if I was wealthy, I might change my nose! (I would have to think about it, sounds painful).

Tiberius Song Fest
WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT YOU: My keen ability to be diplomatic with people and my ability to DO music.
PET PEEVES: Gossip and all other drivers – ha ha
FAVORITE PLACES: Piano benches anywhere in the world. My husband and I went to Israel with our church group for our honeymoon. Yes, we had plenty of alone time, I read your mind! But at a hotel in Tiberius, I had the pleasure of playing their lobby & lounge grand piano, and it really drew a crowd. Before we knew it, the room was filled with singing, and a massive party. People were throwing tips at me, insisting on buying me drinks. It was the most random good time I have ever had!
If you have taken the time to read this, you know a bit more about my persona…and I hope it leads to me getting to know you as well!
I was pleasantly surprised to have experienced your great piano playing and singing when we stopped at Arrowhead Saloon on our way home from Prescott. I was amazed at the technical background sounds you incorporated too…..very professional. I thank you again for the CD’s and wish you and your husband all the success you guys deserve. Good Luck and hope to see you perform again.
Denise, throughly enjoyed your comments. I liked Lou immediately. You make a great team.
I am now a Gold Legacy Member. Chuck Hodge and I found out I’m the first Legacy member ever, in Post 541. That won’t get you a cup of coffee.
I’m not a joiner. I feel at home here.
Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Tom Rutherford
You did a great job this evening at the VFW dinner. Many of us commented on how great you sing and play.
Thank you!
Tom Rutherford
(prospect VFW member until 1 Sep 2016)
Hi, Tom! I so greatly appreciate your kind words. The VFW in Prescott is one of my favorite places to play. The people are genuine and I love to support veterans organizations. My husband Lou is the webmaster and second vice at Post 541. I am an auxiliary member. I understand you recently transferred membership! Welcome and enjoy. They’re wonderful people.
Just found this Denise. Loved it! What great questions you asked and revealed. You are an awesome lady! No worries, you make it look easy! Want to do lunch sometime? As Leah would say Luvs
You’re so sweet, Jerry! Thanks for checking out the site and caring enough to read about me! Yes, lunch sounds wonderful.
And KUDOS to da best DAUGHTA! Love you more, Kam. xoxo
Hi, Bob & Cassie! We appreciate you reaching out to us. We are safe and well, back home in Yarnell after a 9 day evacuation. We were blessed to have not suffered any damage to our property. Many friends of ours here have suffered great loss when the fire took their homes, so it has been difficult for the whole community. Have you heard the tribute to the firefighters (Granite Mountain Hotshots)? Click here: I hope you are touched and would feel free to share it with Post 62 members. I certainly hope they have me back down to entertain! It was fun, though it was certainly very hot! Thanks so much!